With over 100 stunning images individually selected for their vibrant colors and artistic qualities, Picture Hunt Mania is the BMW of spot the difference games. It takes advantage of iPhone/iTouchs millions of display colors to bring a visual experience unlike any other picture hunt game on the market today. Picture Hunt Mania offers a range of first-rate professional images from glamour models to exotic animals to famous landmarks.
The objective of the game is easy. Spot the difference between two nearly identical images.
Tap all the differences before the timer runs out. The faster you finish, the higher your score. Each incorrect tap results in a loss of time. When time runs out, you lose 1 of 4 life bars. Once all life bars are used up the game ends. A hint button is available to guide you when you get stuck. Use it sparingly as each hint will cost you half a life bar.
Future updates to include an online high score and more high-quality images.
(Thanx to TGBus)


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